Happy New Year! There is such celebration, excitement and anticipation in those words. There is something about a new year that holds so much promise. Gives us the motivation to start something new and the determination that THIS time it will be different. New year resolutions are positive, encouraging. No one resolves to get sick, gain weight, destroy a relationship, trash a house or hurt a friend. We always look forward to getting healthy, starting a good habit, maybe stricking out in a new direction which is scary, but somehow holds more promise at the beginning of the year than it did in September. The new year is pictured as a baby, cute, new, fresh, full of all sorts of wonderful experiences ahead. Of course, those of us who have had babies remember they also come with sleep-deprivation, dirty diapers, spit up and crying sometimes. Which years frequently come with their own issues as well. By the end of the year, we can definitely relate to the old, bent-over, wrinkled Father time. Some years are more like the seasoned grandfather-type though. Lots of experience and not fresh like a newborn baby (sleeping with a clean diaper), but fun, loving and full of fond memories. I have had both and once again look forward to this new year. I am hopeful for positive growth in me as a woman, a wife and a mother. I am hopeful for my children, my family and my friends. I want so many good things for them.
I am so grateful, too, that I don't always have to wait for a new year to have a new start. With the new year, I have thought how God always grants us a fresh start, not only each year, but each month, each week, each day and each moment we come to Him. I pray, we will remember to come to Him every time we need a new start, whether it be a habit, conversation, attitude, career or relationship.
Blessings for a new beginning.