Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Take as Directed

Ever notice the instructions on a bottle of medicine?  It usually says "Take as directed".  I could not help but think about this as I read my Joyce Meyer devotion this morning about the gift of healing.  She said, "Healing can be a process that works somewhat like medicine.  It is necessary to receive it by faith and believe it is working."

If we do not follow the directions for the medicine, it will not work.  Having Advil in my cabinet does me no good when I have a headache, if I don't get it out and swallow the pill.  If you do not take the full course of antibiotics, you run the risk of the bacteria coming back even stronger.

Jesus did heal instantly in some cases, but sometimes He gave extra instructions or forgave first.  Every case was unique as the person being healed.  I think Jesus said it best when He told the woman with the issue of blood "Go, your faith has made you well."

I believe the same is true for our own healing.  God's Word gives us the instructions we need for all sorts of healing - physical, emotional or spiritual.  We will only get the full benefit though if we "take as directed".  We need to read the Bible's instructions, follow the directions, believe in the power and receive by faith.  And it does not always happen instantly.  Praise God, there are still amazing miracles of healing today, but often it is a process over time and sometimes the healing is not the way we want.

I have been working for years now on losing weight and strengthening my back.  I avoided surgery, am pain free and close to my goal weight.  I believe God is the ultimate healer and He could have healed my back and sucked all the extra fat off overnight, but I would not have the habits of exercise and healthier eating and muscle tone I have now.  I have also learned to seek God for satisfaction, not food (although dark chocolate can work in a pinch!). 

God knows what we need and if we will take His Word as directed, life goes much smoother.

1 comment:

  1. "Every case was as unique as the person being healed." So grateful He meets us all right where we are at in a personal and loving way, so full of grace, mercy and compassion. I'm glad He knows what is best for me, when, where and how! He is the great healer.....but it is true a little dark chocolate never hurts! :)
