Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Lessons from Bad Girls

Just finished a book called "Bad Girls of the Bible" by Liz Curtis Higgs.  I knew about Liz as a Christian speaker and comedian, but I had never read one of her books.  I enjoyed it.
I will admit I basically consider myself a "good girl" most of the time.  Yeah, I mess up and have never claimed to be perfect, but by the world's standards, I'm pretty good.  Then you read about Jezebel, the ultimate Bad to the Bone Bad Girl, Lot's wife, Eve and more and the lessons learned and questions at the end of the chapter struck much closer to home than I wanted.  I wanted to read about all these bad girls and feel good about myself.  But God would not let me revel in self rightousness.  He reminded me that we all sin and we all need a Savior.  I am special, but not exempt.  How often do I allow discontent, selfishness, doubt, blame, and disobedience to seep into my life?  More often than I would like.
There have been times when I wish I had one of those stories with a big, dramatic transformation when I came to Jesus and turned my life around.  But I don't really want to go through what people had to go through to have that story, so I am grateful for that.  Then I realized one time, that most people don't have the made for tv story and that my everyday struggles and variety of crisis can be just as powerful a story.  God is there in the big tragedies and also in the dirty diaper, carpool moments of life.  That what makes Him such an awesome God.
I still wonder what sort of an impact I have or will have on the world around me, but more and more God is showing me that I need to focus on Him and Him alone.  So whether I am being a Good Girl or a Bad Girl at any given moment, what I want most is to be God's Girl.

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