Friday, August 31, 2012

Some cheese to go with the Whine

God sure does like to drive a point home hard sometimes.  I read several devotions on obedience and felt like I needed to work on not complaining.  Apparently praying for help in not complaining is like praying for patience.  Don't ever resolve to reduce complaining on a day you have to go to the doctor. After going from one doctor to the next to the next for an entire afternoon, just to get a simple problem started on the path of being taken care of, you get lots of opportunities to be irritated and frustrated.  I told the receptionist at one office I thought about using a rubberband on my wrist to snap when I complained, but that would probably give me a bruise and something else to complain about!  My praise is that I was nice to all the people I dealt with and never completely lost my sense of humor during the test.
The next day I was feeling stressed over getting things done and putting things in my file cabinet that is so full it has no room for a single piece of paper (yet another thing on my to do list!) and dear hubby has something to tell me, "because he loves me and wants to help me be better"  (ever heard that one before?  Make sure you take a deep breath before they speak.)  He felt I had been complaining about some small things instead of being grateful for the nice things he had done.  GRRR.
This morning, the devotion says "Do not quench the Holy Spirit by complaining."  OK OK, Uncle!
Now, do I go for a nice Havarti with dill or maybe some baked Brie?


  1. I wonder which has more calories wine or cheese? Either way form what I understand both are healthy if done in small quantities. Enjoy life.

  2. Go for the Brie! Fat and calories be @#$^%&* HA HA
