I just finished the book No More Perfect Moms by Jill Savage and look forward to embracing my imperfections this year. This is not going to be easy, since I am a perfectionist at heart and put way too much pressure on myself. I do a pretty good job of looking like I have it together in front of most people, but I still struggle with feeling "good enough".
(The funny/sad thing is, I am already falling short in my "Perfection Infection" because I am trying to write the "perfect" blog about this book, go figure!)
Jill does a beautiful job of sharing her imperfect life and her heart in a way that comforts and inspires you. We can still be great moms, even when we have huge red zits on our chin (sore, too), Christmas letters that still have not been sent, dirty dishes in the sink, kids with some bad grades and less that stellar choices, holes in our bedroom walls and emotions that make roller coasters look like the Great Plains. We can embrace the interuptions, the differences and inconveniences in our life and enjoy the moments. Imperfection does not give us license to be lazy, but we should accept grace.
I'm taking the 31-day No More Perfect Moms e-mail challenge and growing. Why not jump in?
I know you are itching to get the book yourself, but wait until Feb 4-9. Lots of extra freebies, if you do.

Last but not least, check out the Hearts at Home website (www.hearts-at-home.org ) for all kinds of resources, information and encouragement or Jill Savage's website (www.jillsavage.com ).
Most of all... have a Happy Imperfect New Year!
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